A horrible tragedy befell me.
I noticed first on day four how my mp3 player had ceased working as reliably as once it had. But, good-ish news, I’ve since learned to make it work with increased reliability.
Understandably, mourning was the mood which mastered me as I entered the Aquarium in Darling Harbour. Chances are, you know me. Chances are, you wouldn’t take me for someone who would enjoy an aquarium. I try to be an accommodating person, so normally I’d be with you, but it was actually pretty cool.
Turns out platypuses are cute. Also there were lizards, and jellyfish (which were pretty), and squid. I even took pictures of a seal-thing struggling to tear a fish apart.
But most importantly, I have always been a fan of cuttlefish, even if I had never seen one in real life. I can say that no more. They are just as awesome as I’d always imagined.
There were also other things like crocodiles and sharks and random fishes and displays. But they were less important.