So last week Jimmy decides it’d be smart to wear cleats while playing ultimate. It’d give him an advantage – be able to accelerate quickly with no thought to slip, instill fear for feet and shins in his enemies.
And then he runs right over my frisbee, punching a hole clear through it. Frisbee ruined.
I really liked that frisbee.
Whatever. I go to buy a new one. I want one as similar as possible in colour and design. No luck. Limited options.
I pick up a Frisbee. It doesn’t feel quite right. I voice the observation with words: this doesn’t feel right.
Whatever. I buy it.
Bring it home. Compare. It’s bigger than my other frisbees! Same weight, slight difference in size. Why would the manufacturers do this to me? There’s probably a reason, but I don’t know enough about frisbee classifications to say.
Classic form factor issue.