Friends. Family. Not mine, of course, but moving on: I present to you the sixth version of the GC. It, like its predecessor GC5, makes use of RIPjax as made by Karl – The Script Master.
Behind this sixth version lies an idea: to update not upon completion of projects, but as they progress.
I leave tomorrow for distant shores. Your thoughts?
A soft laugh, a giggle riding a slight curve of hysteria, emerges from where once were lips. A body caked with soil uses a sturdy stone slab to pull itself, unsteadily, to its feet. Light glints off bone and illuminates pale green flesh. Hysteria and volume curve sharply upward with the realization that its resurrection is not its first, but its sixth.
It feels something. Its laughter ceases. This time, it knows, it is accompanied. Accompanied by something large and dark.
Doom fills its mind, and it recoils.
There can be only one reasonable means of communication. Ripjax: polylogue with nearly minimal corruption of sanity.
It smiles.
A new world greets it. Not yet aware that it should do so from its knees.