I know a guy who knows a tooth. In fact, he knows more than one.

Dr. Tsang needed a black and white logo he could have printed on a bag. I designed a matching business card (front, back), and will eventually do a letterhead as well. There are some other card designs we’re working on, but that’s my current favourite.
I get the feeling that he would really like a tooth in there somewhere, so I’ll give drawing a tooth a few more tries. If anything works out, I’ll update the logo and do some more card designs.
Here is a tooth
Uncertainty. Thoughts?
I feel like the little tooth lends himself nicely to wearing costumes and hosting educational animations. For example:

hahahahaha omg I am in <3 with the Tooth.
I think i kind of like the third one, now! I’m not sure how suitable it is for an IRL dentist, because it’s a little weird – but that’s what I like about it?
“Hey babe, you like what you see?” — Toothy McTooth
“Bring a cigarette.”
Also I like the ovular one best.
I like the ovular one best. However, the largeness of the tooth compared to the size of the JT logo make the space to the left and right of it seem more “empty” — like it should have stuff in it or something. I don’t get that feeling with the smaller JT logo. Maybe because it is comparable in height to the name of the guy itself, and I subconsciously want to put them next to each-other? not sure.
I have a nasty penny-chewing habit. I hope copper is good for my gums.