
Conan Exiles — supplementary

I’ve been playing a lot of Conan Exiles lately and it’s pretty neat. But I’ve come to realize one of the best parts of a video game is making supplementary tools to aid in its play. Herein chronicles my Conan journey in that regard:

What started as a co-op session quickly descended into madness. In co-op you’re tethered to the hosting player, which can get strange. So we spun the world off into a locally hosted private server. Which proceeded to migrate from location to physical location.

The Conan world progresses as long as the server is running. Nobody has to be in it. Things happen. Possibly terrible things. As a self-described coward, that seemed somewhat less than ideal.

I didn’t want to leave it running at all times, but had no way to stop it (or more importantly) start it, once it was out of my direct control. So I wrote a c# server controller, which is also its own webserver, and exposes a page to control the server. So any of us can turn it on or off, etc. Everything worked fine until a new version of one of the mods was released. Now it updates those (and the game) as well.

Conan server control page

Now to frantically start and stop the server to see if anyone notices.

Everything was going fairly well until I hit level 60, when all of a sudden raising the level cap started to look rather alluring. But there are so many level cap mods. I couldn’t decide which to use. So instead I exacerbated the problem by making my own.  It’s called MoreLevelsPls. Now we have until level 250, scaling at approximately the same rate as prior to 60.

y ≈ ⌊86.4023x3 - 129.8326x2 + 61.0945x - 27.7356⌉

It sure seems to work.

Once you make level 60, new opportunities open up. You can make a slew of armours and weapons previously unavailable. Unfortunately, the information available on them, in game, is rather lacking. And they can be costly (in resources) to make.

Soon we were scouring the internet for information on armour and weapons – but nothing really worked the way we wanted. So I made a quick Conan data tool based on the game’s items list. It doesn’t include DLC, but what it has you can filter and, more importantly, sort.

Feel free to use it, if you like!


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