
Presenting Hexlock, a really fun game™

Hexlock, a simple counting-based puzzle game, now available for your Android device.

Select a level, defeat it, and repeat.

There are twenty-one levels in total, each represented by a different tile on the level select screen, and you can play them in whichever order you like.

In each level, you start by clicking the middle tile. From there, just form a path from neighbour to neighbour until the two numbers at the top match up. Once they do, you’ve won!

The hex tiles each have a value, represented in hexadecimal. The goal is in binary. All you need to do is form a path such that the hex values add up to the binary goal. You can do that by adding and converting between bases in your head, or, you know, just click around until it unlocks.

Once you’ve defeated a level, how well you did will be reflected in that level’s tile on the level select screen. Grey if you have yet to complete the level; green if you scored par or under; blue if you scored under 2 par; orange for less than 3 par; or red if your path was longer than 3 par.

Only your highest score for each level will be saved, and if you ever want to review that path, long press the hexagon for that level in the level select.


  • Clicking on the most recently selected hexagon will unselect it.
  • Press and hold (long press) the middle tile to reset your current level.
  • Press and hold (long press) a level to load your highest scoring path.
  • Press the back button on your phone, or escape or backspace on a keyboard to return to the level select menu.

Download it today in the Google Play store!


Or, if you don’t have an android device, you can play the web version here.

1. This is not true; very few people rate things in hexagons these days


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